There is a difference between asking questions and questioning something. Most people don't mind if you ask them a question. Many are happy to answer. But If you question something they say, however, they are usually not happy at all. They get mad at you. Churches are famous for this. Most preachers and teachers are very nice people who will happily answer your questions. But there are questions to which they have no answer since the teachings of the church are actually contrary to the original scriptures. When they have no answer, they become uncomfortable. Many will launch a counter attack. They will question your beliefs. Some may even tell you not to ask such questions. My question for you, at that point, is don't you deserve to know? If they can't answer your questions, you have no choice but to look them up for yourself. Here are a few questions about the Bible which every church leader should be able to answer. Test their knowledge. I will give you the answers I found. But, in order that you understand them, you must read them for yourself. Here is a link for your convenience.
The Complete Jewish Bible.
3. Where does it say there is a trinity?
4. Where does it say that G-d's law will change?
5. When are we told the Messiah will come?
6. Where does it say that the devil is the adversary of the Creator?
7. Where does it say the Messiah will be G-d incarnate?
8. Can we choose how to worship the Creator?
9. Is human sacrifice permissible?
10. What is idolatry?
1. Nowhere. This concept is contrary to scripture. There is not one example of one dying for themselves or anyone else in order to be forgiven. This is interesting to me because if someone could be forgiven by death, wouldn't anyone who died be forgiven? What about those who died because of their sin? Also, if one could die in order for someone else to be forgiven, why couldn't they die for their own forgiveness? None of this makes any sense. This is why we are told that the wicked person will die [ or be punished] for their own sins. If the wicked person repents, then his sins will be remembered no more. It is as though it never happened. (Ezekiel 18: 20- 24)
2. It does not. The idea of needing a mediator to talk to G-d on our behalf is foreign to Judaism. It is not in the scriptures anywhere. That being said, there are many places where people did pray for others. We are expected to pray for each other. But we don't need anyone to pray in our place. We are actually commanded to pray.
3. The trinity comes from pagan religions. Many of the pagan religions employ the concept of the trinity. Not being like other religions is what has set Judaism apart from them since the beginning.
4. Some people believe that the law was fulfilled and thus does not need to be followed. However, the Torah teaches us that His law will never change. Deuteronomy 13 teaches us that we are not to change the laws either by adding to them or taking away from them.
5. It is written that the Messiah will come sometime after the fourth kingdom in Daniel 2 is divided in two. Rome, the fourth kingdom, was divided in the year 285 of the common era. While it is true that the Messiah has not yet come. It is impossible that he came prior to 285 CE.
6. The church has used the devil as a means to scare people into following them. There is the one known as the satan but he is in no way an adversary. He is called the accuser The word satan is Hebrew for '
prosecutor'. Here is a great article which describes his roles in depth.
7. This is another myth of the church. The word messiah means
anointed. Prophecy teaches us that the messiah will be a man. He will be anointed by the prophet Elijah as king of Israel. The idea of the Creator becoming a man has its roots in pagan religions. The church didn't incorporate this idea into its doctrine until the year 325 at the council of Nicea. This idea is also not in the Hebrew scriptures.
8. The story of the golden calf in the Book of Exodus teaches us that our Creator only wants to be worshiped in a specific way. The Torah teaches us how we are to worship Him. Worshiping Him in a different way always proved catastrophic for the Children of Israel. In my article
The Second Golden Calf, I describe this in more detail.
9. The rules for sacrifices are outlined in the Torah. While there are several different types, none of them include human. In addition, the sacrificial animals were required to be unblemished in any way. The church's idea of the sacrifice on the cross does not adhere to any of the requirements in the Torah. Human sacrifice is also contrary to scripture and is thus forbidden. We have already determined that we can't alter the Law in any way.
10. This question is a bit different than the others but it is possibly the most important. The Torah teaches us that we are to worship only the Creator. When we worship anything else we are insulting the Creator. The church will tell you that anything can become an idol. This is true. They give examples like cell phones, televisions, entertainers, your car, etc. When you look back through these questions you will find several clues as to what idolatry really is. An idol is any person or thing that is worshiped. We are commanded not to make any image of anything that has been created and not to bow down to it. Their definition is lacking. It's okay to like your cell phone, a lot even. That isn't worshiping it. We know that Jesus was a man and that man was created. Worshiping him is idolatry. There is no other way to explain that away. We know that G-d is not a man. If you are worshiping him, you are guilty of the sin of idolatry. Fortunately for you, you read this far. Back in number 1, I showed you that you can repent of this sin of idolatry and it will be forgotten. You must repent, which means to turn away, from worshiping your idol. You also must not return to it. I urge you to take a serious look back through these questions and answers and repent of your sins. Talk to the Creator, not in the name of anyone else. Talk to Him like you'd talk to your best friend. He wants to be your best friend.
Copyright 2016 by:
William Bouker